Industrial Fans

Large Commercial and Industrial Fans Brisbane

HVLS (High Volume Low Speed fans) are an excellent way of cooling the apparent temperature down by 10 – 15 degrees in a factory, warehouse or any large covered area.

Sky Blade HVLS fans

Sky Blade HVLS fans are a very effective and smart option when it’s not economical to air condition large areas like a warehouse, factory, or shop. Sky Blades are a fraction of the cost to install and run. SkyBlade Fans work with existing cooling systems by allowing the user to raise their thermostat set points and save 30% or more on their energy costs while maintaining a comfortable temperature.

The benefits of Sky Blade HVLS fans;

  • Compliments Existing Systems
  • Reduces Condensation, Corrosion & Mold
  • Save 20-30% on Energy Costs
  • Quiet Operation
  • Reduces A/C Usage
  • Evaporative Cooling
  • Set A/C Set Points Warmer by 10-15º Without a Noticeable Difference
  • Reduces Perceived Temperature Between 10-15º
  • Increases Employee Comfort and Productivity
  • Alternative to Air Conditioning

How Sky Blades and HVLS industrial and commercial fans work

SkyBlade HVLS Industrial Fans Increase Evaporative effect on Skin & Reduce the Apparent Temperature Between 10-15 degrees

Commercials Fan Brisbane

Sky Blades can be the best option to cool large areas because:

  •  Low set up and installation cost
  • They are very economical to run
  • Long lasting due to having only one moving part  (electric motor)

5th Star Air supply and install large commercial and industrial fans Brisbane wide. Call us on 1300 203 665 to arrange an a site inspection and quote.

Feel free to call anytime to talk to us on 1300 203 665 or complete the contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
ABN 11 115 398 911 | ACN 115 398 911 | ARC Licence No AU23939 | Electrical Contractor Licence No 71193 | BSA Licence No 1193646 Master Electricians Membership No 68636 | HIA Membership No 987380